Амманати, Бартоломео

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Амманати, Бартоломео

Bartolomeo Ammanati (June 18, 1511 - April 13, 1592) was a Florentine architect and sculptor.

Ammanati was born at Settignano, near Florence. He studied under Baccio Bandinelli and Jacopo Sansovino (assisting on the Library of St. Mark's, the Biblioteca Marciana, Venice) and closely imitated the style of Michelangelo.

He was more distinguished in architecture than in sculpture. He designed many buildings in Rome, which included work at the Villa Giulia complex (in collaboration with Vignola and Vasari), also at Lucca and Florence. His work at the completion of Pitti Palace, commissioned by Eleonora of Toleda, wife of Cosimo I, is one of his most celebrated achievements (1558-1570), respecting the original style of Filippo Brunelleschi.

He was also employed in 1569 to build the beautiful bridge over the Arno, known as Ponte della Trinità and one of his most celebrated works. The three arches are elliptic, and though very light and elegant, have resisted the fury of the river, which has swept away several other bridges at different times. It was destroyed in 1944, during World War II, and rebuilt in 1957.

01. Leda with the Swan / Marble, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

02. Fountain of Neptune / 1559-75, Marble and bronze, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

03. Fountain of Neptune / 1559-75, Marble and bronze, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

04. Fountain of Neptune / 1559-75, Marble and bronze, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

05. The Fountain of Neptune / 1565, Marble and bronze, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

06. The Fountain of Neptune (detail) / 1565, Bronze, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

07. The Fountain of Neptune (detail) / 1565, Bronze, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

09. Goddess Opi / 1672-75, Bronze, height: 95 cm, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

08. Parnassus / c. 1563, Marble, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

10. Victory / 1540, Marble, height: 262 cm, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

11. Allegory of Winter / 1563-65, Stone, Villa Medici, Castello

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