<<< Plate 3 — Plate 5 >>>
1 Fesse Humettee, or couped. Ar. a fesse humettee gu.
2 Fesse Voided, Sarcelle, or Recoursie. Gu. a fesse ar. voided of the field
4 Fesse surmounted of another
5 Fesse Bordered, or Fimbriated
7 Fesse Eradicated, or Esclatte
8 Fesse Escartele, or Escloppe
9 Fesse Griece, Grady of three to the sinister, or Double escartelee
12 Fesse Nowy, Champaine, or urdee
14 Fesse Bottony, pometty, or nowy
15 Fesse Debruised, fracted, or removed
17 Fesse Wiure, nebulee counter nebulee, or wiure nebule counter-nebulee fixed in fesse
18 Fesse of a Demi-belt, or a demi-belt fixed in fesse
20 Fesse Bretessed, embattled-parted, or double-parted
21 Fesse Crest of Ireland. A Tower triple-towered or, from the portal a hart springing ar. attired and hoofed gold
22 Fesse Champaine, Urdee, or Warriated
23 Fesse Embattled-grady, or Escartele grady
24 Fesse Demi, or Demi fess
25 Fesse Rompu, coppee, coupe, or double-downset
26 Fesse Nebulee on the top, and Invecked on the bottom
28 Fesse Rectangled, or angled
29 Fesse between two greyhounds courant
30 Fesse On a fesse three lozenges
31 Fesse Az. two combs in fesse betw. a broken lance fesseways (or barways) or, one piece in chief the head respecting the dexter, the other half towards the sinister in base. Lombe
32 Fesse Per-fesse ar, and gu. six martlets countercharged. Fenwick
33 Fesse Per-fesse Nebuly az. and gu. Baker
34 Fesse Per-fesse, Escartelle, grady of three
35 Fesse Per-fesse Indented
36 Fesse Per-fesse Dancette
37 Fesse Per-fesse Dovetail
38 Fesse Per-fesse Crenelle
39 Fesse Bar, per base, erased
40 Fesse and Canton conjoined
41 Fesse Billettee counter-billette