<<< Plate 5 — Plate 7 >>>
3 Pile issuing out of dexter base, in point bendways, also termed a Pile inverted in bend sinister
5 Pile reversed, or transposed indented
6 Pile embattled counter embattled
7 Pile reversed fitched, or undee at top, raguly, or with a crenelle on each side
9 Pile and two demi piles embowed, or flanched, and fixed to the sides
10 Pile Triple, or Triple-pointed
11 Pile in point bendwise, pierced lozengy
12 Pile charged with another engrailed
13 Pile in bend issuing out of the dexter corner. Ar. a pile issuant from the dexter chief point sa. fimbriated and engrailed gu.
15 Two Piles embowed fretting each other
16 Three Piles meeting in base, or three Piles in point
17 Pile betw. two Piles reversed
18 Pile transposed betw. two Piles
19 Three Piles issuing from the dexter barwise
20 Three Piles wavy issuing out of sinister base in point bendways
21 Badge of the Prince of Wales. A plume of three ostrich feathers argent, enfiled by a coronet composed of fleur-de-lis and crosses-pattee alternately gold, and on an escroll az. edged or the motto Ich Dien
22 Three Piles, on a fesse surmounting the exterior ones, and debruised by the centre one, two crescents
23 A fesse in chief three Piles wavy
24 Pily counter-pily of seven traits (or pieces) the points ending in crosses pattee, three in chief and two in base
25 Three Piles issuing from the dexter in bend on each point a fleur-de-lis
26 A Pile triple, or triple-pointed in base bendwise, floried at the points
27 Issuing from a chief three piles
28 Two Piles reversed in point out of dexter and sinister base
29 Five Piles issuing from dexter bendways
30 Piles traversed, barwise
31 Pily of eight, traverse in point to sinister fesse
32 A Pile and cheveron countercharged
33 Three Piles issuing from the chief, surmounted by a cheveron, charged with three plates
34 On a Pile three pears slipped stalks upwards
35 On a Pile engrailed betw. two fish hauriant, a lion passant
36 Pile and Saltire countercharged. The blazon may be Ar. a Saltire sa. a pile countercharged
37 Three Piles within a bordure, or three piles gu. within a bordure az. plattée
39 Paly-pily, or Pily-paly
40 Pile square or tetragonell pyramid reversed
41 Three Piles solid and triangular couped
42 Piles fitched at the top also termed Piles wavy, fitched at both ends
43 Per Pile and cheveron countercharged
44 Per Pile reversed and per pale countercharged, or per pale and pile reversed countercharged